

  • 韩秋生等主编 著
  • 出版社: 沈阳:辽宁科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:7538140107
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:240页
  • 文件大小:57MB
  • 文件页数:258页
  • 主题词:人体解剖学-图谱


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1.人体骨骼(前面观)The human skeleton(anterior aspect)2


2.人体骨骼(后面观)The human skeleton(posterior aspect)3

3.骨的构造Structure of the bones4

4.骨的连结The osseous joint4

5.脊柱(前面观)The spinal column(anterior aspect)5

6.脊柱(后面观)The spinal column(poserior aspect)5

7.脊柱(外侧面观)The spinal column(lateral aspect)5

8.各部椎骨的形态Features of the individual vertebrae6

11.骶骨(后面观)The sacrum(poserior aspect)7

12.尾骨(后面观)The coccyx(poserior aspect)7

10.尾骨(前面观)The coccyx(anterior aspect)7

9.骶骨(前面观)The sacrum(antenor aspect)7

13.椎骨的连结(正中矢状切面)The intervertebral joints(median sagittal section)8

14.椎骨的连结(前面观)The intervertebral joints(anterior aspect)8

15.椎间关节和椎间盘(水平切面)The intervertebral joint and disc(horizontal section)8

16.腰椎Х线像(前后位)Ⅹ-ray of chest(posteroanterior view)8

17.腰椎Х线像(侧位)Ⅹ-ray of chest(lateral view)8

18.项韧带(外侧面观)Ligamentum nuchae(lateral aspect)9

19.寰枕和寰枢关节(后面观)Phe atlantooccipital joint and atlantoaxial joint(posterior aspect)9

20.骨性胸廓(前面观)The osseous thorax(anterior aspect)9

21.胸骨(前面观)The sternum(anterior aspect)10

22.胸骨(侧面观)The sternum(lateral aspect)10

23.胸肋关节(前面观)Sternocostal joint(anterior aspect)10

24.肋椎关节(前面观)Costovertebral joint(anterior aspect)10

25.第一肋骨First rib10

26.第七肋骨Seventh rib10

28.颅的Х线像(前后位)Ⅹ-ray ofskull(anteroposterior view)11

27.颅(前面观)The skull(anterior aspect)11

29.颅(外侧面观)The skull(lateral aspect)12

30.颅的Х线像(侧位)Ⅹ-ray of skull(lateral view)12

31.颅底(内面观)The base of the skull(internal aspect)13

32.颅底(外面观)The base of the skull(extemal aspect)14

33.颅骨(正F中矢状切面)The skull(median sagittal section)15

34.颅(上面观)The skull(superior aspect)16

35.颅(后面观)The skull(posterior aspect)16

36.新生儿颅(前面观)The skull of a newborn infant(anterior aspect)17

37.新生儿颅(外侧面观)The skull of a newborn infant(lateral aspect)17

38.新生儿颅(上面观)The skull of a newborn infant(superior aspect)18

39.新生儿颅底(下面观)The base of skull of a newborn infant(inferior aspect)18

40.骨性鼻腔外侧壁The lateral wall of the bony nasal cavity19

41.骨性鼻腔外侧壁(示鼻旁窦的开口)The lateral wall of the bony nasal cavity(showing the apertures of the paranasal sinuses)19

44.舌骨The hyoid bone20

43.下颌骨(外侧面观)The mandible(lateral aspect)20

42.颅冠状切面(前面观)Coronary section of the skull(anterior aspect)20

45.额骨(前面观)The frontal bone(anterior aspect)21

46.额骨(下面观)The frontal bone(inferior aspect)21

47.筛骨(上面观)The ethmoid bone(superior aspect)21

48.筛骨(后面观)The ethmoid bone(posterior aspect)21

49.上颌骨(外面观)The maxilla(external aspect)22

50.上颌骨(内面观)The maxilla(internal aspect)22

51.颢骨(外面观)The temporal bone(external aspect)22

52.颢骨(内面观)The temporal bone(internal aspect)22

53.颢骨(下面观)The temporal bone(inferior aspect)23

54.腭骨(后面观)The palatine bone(posterior aspect)23

55.腭骨(内面观)The palatine bone(internal aspect)23

56.蝶骨(前面观)The sphenoid bone(anterior aspect)24

57.蝶骨(后面观)The sphenoid bone(posterior aspect)24

59.颞下颌关节(外面观)The temporomandibular joint(external aspect)25

60.颞下颌关节(矢状切面)The temporomandibular joint(sagittal section)25

58.枕骨和蝶骨(上面观)The occipital bone and sphenoid bone(superior aspect)25

61.锁骨(上面观)The clavicle(superior aspect)26

62.肩胛骨(前面观)The scapula(anterior aspect)26

63.锁骨(下面观)The clavicle(inferior aspect)26

64.肩胛骨(后面观)The scapula(posterior aspect)26

65.肱骨(前面观)The humerus(anterior aspect)27

66.肱骨(后面观)The humerus(posterior aspect)27

67.桡骨和尺骨(前面观)The radius and ulna(anterior aspect)28

68.桡骨和尺骨(后面观)The radius and ulna(posterior aspect)28

69.手骨(掌侧面)The bones of the hand(palmar aspect)29

70.手骨(背侧面)The bones of the hand(dorsal aspect)29

71.肩关节(前面观)The shoulder joint(anterior aspect)30

72.肩关节(内面观,去掉肱骨)The shoulder joint(internal aspect,without humerus)30

73.肩关节Х线像(前后位)X-ray of hip joint(anteroposterior view)30

76.肘关节Х线像(前后位)X-ray of elbow joint(anteroposterior view)31

75.肘关节(前面观)The elbow joint(anterior aspect)31

74.肩关节(冠状切面)The shoulder joint(coronal section)31

77.肘关节矢状切面(示肱尺关节)Sagittal section of the elbow join(showing the humetoulnar joint)32

78.前臂骨的连结(前面观)The radioulnar syndesmosis(anterior aspect)32

79.手关节(掌面观)The joints of the hand(palmar aspect)33

80.腕关节(冠状切面)The joints of the wrist(coronal section)33

81.腕关节Х线像(前后位)X-ray of wrist joint(anteroposterior view)33

82.髋骨(内面观)The hip bone(internal aspect)34

83.髋骨(外面观)The hip bone(external aspect)34

84.小儿髋骨(外面观)The hip bone of a child(external aspect)34

85.股骨(前面观)The femur(anterior aspect)35

86.股骨(后面观)The femur(posterior aspect)35

87.髌骨(前面观)The patella(anterior aspect)36

88.髌骨(后面观)The patella(posterior aspect)36

89.胫骨和腓骨(前面观)The tibia and fibula(anterior aspect)36

90.胫骨和腓骨(后面观)The tibia and fibula(posterior aspect)36

92.足骨(跖面观)Bones ofthe foot(plantar aspect)37

91.足骨(背面观)Bones of the foot(dorsal aspect)37

94.骨盆(上面观)The pelvis(superior aspect)38

93.骨盆的韧带(前面观和后面观)The ligaments of the pelvis(anterior aspect and posterior aspect)38

95.骨盆(正中矢状切面)The pelvis(median sagittal section)39

96.骨盆Х线像(前后位)X-ray of pelvis(anteroposterior view)39

97.髋关节(前面观)The hip joint(anterior aspect)40

98.髋关节(后面观)The hip joint(posterior aspect)40

99.髋关节Х线像(前后位)X-ray of hip joint(anteroposterior view)40

100.切开关节囊(示髋关节腔内面)The opened articular capsule(showing the internal surface of the hip joint cavity)41

101.髋关节(冠状切面)The hip joint(coronal section)41

102.膝关节(前面观)The knee joint(anterior aspect)41

103.膝关节(后面观)The knee ioint(posterior aspect)41

106.膝关节前面观(切除关节囊)The anterior aspect of the knee joint(without the articular capsule)42

107.膝关节后面观(切除关节囊)The posterior aspect of the knee joint(without the articular capsule)42

105.膝关节半月板和交叉韧带(上面观)The articular meniscus and cruciate ligament of the knee joint(superior aspect)42

104.切开关节囊前部(示膝关节腔内面)The anterior aspect of the opened articular capsule(showing the internal surface of the knee joint cavity)42

108.小腿骨连结(前面观)The tibiofibular syndesmosis(anterior aspect)43

109.足关节(切面)Thejoints of foot(section)43

110.距小腿关节和足关节(外侧面观)The talocruraljoint and the joints of foot(lateral aspect)44

111.足关节(下面观)The joints of foot(inferior aspect)44

112.踝和足的Х线像(内斜位)X-ray of ankle and foot(medial oblique view)44

113.全身肌肉(前面观)Muscles of the whole body(anterior aspect)45

114.全身肌肉(后面观)Muscles of the whole body(posterior aspect)46

115.头颈肌(前面观)Muscles of the head and neck(anterior aspect)47

116.头颈肌的浅层(外侧面观)Superficial layer of the muscles of the head and neck(lateral aspect)48

117.头颈肌的深层(外侧面观)Deep layer of muscles of the head and neck(lateral aspect)49

118.颈深肌群(前面观)Deep cervical muscle group(anterior aspect)50

119.胸部肌深层(前面观)Muscles of the deep layer of the thorax(anterior aspect)50

120.胸前壁(内面观)The anterior thoracic wall(internal aspect)51

121.胸后壁(内面观)The posterior thoracic wall(internal aspect)51

123.腹后壁肌及膈(前面观)Muscles of the posterior abdominal wall and the diaphragm(anterior aspect)52

122.腹前外侧壁肌(前面观)Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall(anterior aspect)52

124.腹壁的层次The layers of the abdominal wall53

125.腹前壁的内面The internal aspect of the anterior abdominal wall54

126.腹股沟区(1)Inguinal region(1)55

127.腹股沟区(2)Inguinal region(2)55

128.腹股沟区(3)lnguinal region(3)56

129.腹股沟区(4)Inguinal region(4)56

130.腹股沟三角(内面观)Inguinal triangle(internal aspect)56

131.背部肌肉(1)Muscles of the back(1)57

132.背部肌肉(2)Muscles of the back(2)58

133.膈(上面观)The diaphragm(superior aspect)59

134.膈(下面观)The diaphragm(inferior aspect)59

135.上肢肌(前面观)(1)Muscles of the upper limb(anterior aspect)(1)60

136.上肢肌(前面观)(2)Muscles of the upper limb(anterior aspect)(2)60

138.上肢肌(后面观)(1)Muscles of the upper limb(posterior aspect)(1)61

137.上肢肌(外侧面观)Muscles of the upper limb(lateral aspect)61

139.上肢肌(后面观)(2)Muscles of the upper limb(posterior aspect)(2)62

140.手掌侧肌(1)Palmar muscles of the hand(1)63

141.手掌侧肌(2)Palmar muscles of the hand(2)63

142.手掌侧肌(3)Palmar muscles of the hand(3)64

143.手背侧肌(1)Dorsal muscles of the hand(1)64

144.手背侧肌(2)Dorsal muscles of the hand(2)65

145.手掌侧腱鞘The tendinous sheaths of the palmar side of the hand65

146.手背侧腱鞘The tendinous sheaths of the dorsal side of the hand65

147.下肢肌深层(前面观)Deep layer of the muscles of the lower limb(anterior aspect)66

148.下肢肌深层(后面观)Deep layer of the muscles of the lower limb(posterior aspect)66

149.下肢肌(外侧面观)Muscles of the lower limb(1ateral aspect)67

150.足底肌(1)Plantar muscles(1)68

151.足底肌(2)Plantar muscles(2)68

153.足腱鞘(外侧面观)The tendinous sheaths of the foot(lateral aspect)69

152.足腱鞘(内侧面观)The tendinous sheaths of the foot(medial aspect)69

154.男性会阴肌Male perineal muscles70

155.女性会阴肌Female perineal muscles70


156.消化系统全貌General arrangement of the alimentary system72

157.口腔的结构(1)Structure of the oral cavity(1)73

158.口腔的结构(2)Structure of the oral cavity(2)73

159.牙的构造(模式图)The structure of tooth(schema chart)74

160.上颌恒牙的排列(下面观)Arrangement of the permanent teeth of maxilla(inferior aspect)74

161.下颌恒牙的排列(上面观)Arrangement of the permanent teeth of mandible(superior aspect)74

162.恒牙(外面观)The permanent teeth(external aspect)75

163.乳牙(外面观)The deciduous teeth(external aspect)75

164.舌(冠状切面)The tongue(coronal section)75

165.舌(正中矢状切面)The tongue(median sagittal section)75

167.腮腺、下颌下腺和舌下腺(内面观)The parotid gland,submandibular gland and sublingual gland(internal aspect)76

166.腮腺、下颌下腺和舌下腺The parotid gland,submandibular gland and sublingual gland76

168.咽与鼻、口 、喉的交通Connection of the pharynx and nose,mouth,larynx77

169.咽腔(后面观)The pharyngeal cavity(posterior aspect)78

170.咽肌(内面观)The pharyngeal muscles(internal aspect)78

171.咽肌(外侧面观)The pharyngeal muscles(lateral aspect)79

172.咽肌(后面观)The pharyngeal muscles(posterior aspect)79

173.食管的位置及毗邻Position and relations of the esophagus80

174.胃的肌肉The gastric muscles80

175.胃腔The gastric lumen80

176.食管Х线像(斜位)X-ray of esophagus(oblique view)80

177.胃Х线像(前后位)X-ray of stomach(anteroposterior view)80

178.十二指肠及毗邻(前面观)The duodenum and its relations(anterior aspect)81

179.空肠The jejunum81

180.回肠The ileum81

183.回盲部(内面观)The ileocecal part(internal aspect)82

184.大肠、小肠Х线像(前后位)X-ray of small and large intestines(anteroposterior view)82

181.小肠和大肠(前面观)The small intestine and the large intestine(anterior aspect)82

182.盲肠和阑尾The cecum and vermiform appendix82

185.直肠(冠状切面)The rectum(coronal section)83

186.直肠和肛管的肌肉Muscles of the rectum and the anal canal83

187.肛门括约肌(冠状切面)The anal sphincter(coronal section)83

188.肝(前面观)The liver(anterior aspect)84

189.肝(后面观)The liver(posterior aspect)84

190.肝(上面观)The liver(superior aspect)85

191.肝(下面观)The liver(inferior aspect)85

192.输胆管道及开口(前面观)The bile passage and its openings(anterior aspect)86

193.呼吸系全貌General arrangement of respiratory system86

196.杓状软骨和小角软骨(前面观)The arytenoid and corniculate(anterior aspect)87

197.环状软骨(侧面观)The cricoid cartilage(lateral aspect)87

195.甲状软骨(侧面观)The thyroid cartilage(lateral aspect)87

194.鼻旁窦的开口The openings of paranasal sinuses87

198.喉软骨和韧带(前面观)The cartilages and ligaments of larynx(anterior aspect)88

199.喉软骨和韧带(后面观)The cartilages and ligaments of larynx(posterior aspect)88

200.喉软骨和韧带(外侧面观)The cartilages and ligaments of larynx(lateral aspect)89

201.喉肌(外侧面观)Muscles of the larynx(lateral aspect)89

202.喉腔(后面观)The laryngeal cavity(posterior aspect)90

203.喉腔冠状切面(后面观)Coronal section through the laryngeal cavity(posterior aspect)90

204.气管和肺段支气管The trachea and segmental bronchi91

205.右肺(前面观)Right lung(anterior aspect)92

206.右肺(内侧面观)Right lung(medial aspect)92

207.左肺(前面观)Left lung(anterior aspect)92

208.左肺(内侧面观)Left lung(medial aspect)92

209.支气管肺段(前面观)The bronchopulmonary segments(anterior aspect)93

210.支气管肺段(后面观)The bronchopulmonary segments(posterior aspect)93

213.支气管肺段(左内侧面观)The bronchopulmonary segments(left medial aspect)94

214.支气管肺段(右内侧面观)The bronchopulmonary segments(right medial aspect)94

211.支气管肺段(左外侧面观)The bronchopulmonary segments(left lateral aspect)94

212.支气管肺段(右外侧面观)The bronchopulmonary segments(right lateral aspect)94

215.肺和胸膜(前面观)The lungs and the pleura(anterior aspect)95

216.纵隔(左外侧面观)The mediastinum(left lateral aspect)96

217.纵隔(右外侧面观)The mediastinum(right lateral aspect)97

218.男性泌尿生殖系统全貌General arrangement of the male urogenital system98

219.右肾(前面观)The right kidney(anterior aspect)98

220.右肾(后面观)The right kidney(posterior aspect)98

221.肾和输尿管的体表投影The surface projection of the kidneys and ureters99

222.肾窦及其结构The renal sinus and its structures99

223.肾的冠状切面(后面观)The coronal section of the kidney(posterior aspect)99

224.肾段和肾段动脉(前面观)The renal segments and the segmental arteries(anterior aspect)100

225.肾段和肾段动脉(后面观)The renal segments and the segmental arteries(posterior aspect)100

226.肾的位置和毗邻(前面观)The position of the kidneys and their relations(anterior aspect)100

228.肾的位置和毗邻(后面观)The position of kidneys and their relations(posterior aspect)101

229.肾盂Х线像(前后位)X-ray of renal pelvis(anteroposterior view)101

227.腹后壁(示肾和输尿管)Posterior abdominal wall(showing the kidneys and the ureters)101

230.睾丸、附睾及其被膜(外侧面观)The testis,epididymis and their capsule(lateral aspect)102

231.睾丸、附睾的内部结构Internal structures of the testis and the epididymis102

232.膀胱、前列腺及精囊腺(后面观)The urinary bladder,prostate and seminal vesicles(posterior aspect)103

233.膀胱底及男性尿道前列腺部(内面观)The fundus of bladder and the prostatic part of the male urethla(internal aspect)103

234.阴茎的海绵体(1)Cavernous bodies of the penis(1)103

235.阴茎的海绵体(2)Cavernous bodies of the penis(2)103

236.阴茎体横切面Transverse section through body of the penis103

238.女性盆腔(正中矢状切面)Female pelvic cavity(median sagittal section)104

237.男性盆腔(正中矢状切面)Male pelvic cavity(median sagittal section)104

239.女性盆腔器官(上面观)Female pelvic organs(superior aspect)105

240.女性内生殖器(冠状切面)Female internal genital organs(coronal section)105

241.女性外生殖器Female external genital organs106

242.前庭球和前庭大腺The bulb of vestibule and the greater vestibular gland106

243.男性会阴分区The divisions of the male perineum106

244.女性会阴分区The divisions of the female perineum106

246.女性乳房(矢状切面)Female mamma(sagittal section)107

245.女性乳房(前面观)Female mamma(anterior aspect)107

248.女性盆腔(冠状切面)Female pelvic cavity(coronal section)108

247.男性盆腔(冠状切面)Male pelvic cavity(coronal section)108

249.小网膜和大网膜Lesser omentum and greater omentum109

250.女性腹腔(正中矢状切面)Female abdominal cavity(median sagittal section)109

251.小网膜和胃The lesser omentum and stomach110

252.网膜囊(1)The omental bursa(1)110

253.网膜囊(2)The omental bursa(2)111

254.网膜囊(3)The omental bursa(3)111

255.大肠及腹后壁腹膜的配布The large intestine and distribution of the peritoneum on the posterior abdominal wall112

256.腹后壁腹膜的配布(示系膜根)Distribution of the peritoneum on the posterior abdominal wall(showing the radix of mesentery)112


257.心包及毗邻器官Pericardium and its adjacent organs114

259.胸部Х线像(后前位)posteroanterior view115

260.胸部Х线像(侧位)lateral view115

258.心脏的位置和毗邻Position and relations of the heart115

261.心脏的外形和血管(前面观)Outline form of the heart and its blood vessels(anterior aspect)116

262.心脏的外形和血管(后面观)Outline form of the heart and its blood vessels(posterior aspect)116

263.右心房(内面观)The right atrium(internal aspect)117

264.右心室(内面观)The right ventricle(internal aspect)117

265.左心房和左心室(内面观)The left atrium and left ventricle(internal aspect)118

266.左心室(内面观)The left ventricle(internal aspect)118

267.心脏的瓣膜(上面观)Cardiac valves(superior aspect)119

268.房间隔和室间隔(切面)Interatrial septum and interventricular septnm(section)119

269.心脏传导系统(右内面观)Conducting system of the heart(right internal aspect)120

270.心脏传导系统(左内面观)Conducting system of the heart(left internal aspect)120

271.心包腔(1)The pericardial cavity(1)121

272.心包腔(2)The pericardial cavity(2)121

273.肺根(前面观)Root of the lumg(anterior aspect)122

274.肺根(后面观)Roots of the lungs(posterior aspect)122

275.肺循环的血管(模式图)Vessels of pulmonary circulation(diagram)122

276.主动脉弓分支和后纵隔的结构(前面观)The branches of the aortic arch and structures of posterior mediastinum(anterior aspect)123

278.腋窝的动脉Arteries of the axillary fossa124

277.头、颈部的动脉Arteries of the head and neck124

279.上肢的动脉(前面观)Arteries of the upper limb(anterior aspect)125

280.上肢的动脉(后面观)Arteries of the upper limb(posterior aspect)125

281.右手掌面的动脉(浅层)Arteries of the palm of right hand(superficial layer)126

282.右手掌面的动脉(深层)Arteries of the palm of right hand(deep layer)126

283.胸主动脉、腹主动脉及其分支Thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta and their branches127

284.腹腔干及其分支(1)Celiac trunk and its branches(1)128

285.腹腔干及其分支(2)Celiac trunk and its branches(2)128

286.肠系膜上动脉及其分支The superior mesenteric artery and its branches129

287.肠系膜下动脉及其分支The inferior mesenteric artery and its branches129

288.男性盆腔的动脉(正中矢状切面)Arteries of the male pelvic cavity(median sagittal section)130

289.女性盆腔的动脉(正中矢状切面)Arteries of the female pelvic cavity(median sagittal section)130

290.直肠和肛管的血管Blood vessels of rectum and anal canal131

292.女性会阴部的动脉Arteries of the female perineum132

291.男性会阴部的动脉Arteries of the male perineum132

293.下肢的动脉(前面观)Arteries of the lower limb(anterior aspect)133

294.下肢的动脉(后面观)Arteries of the lower limb(posterior aspect)133

295.足背的动脉Arteries of the dorsum of foot134

296.足底的动脉Plantar arteries134

297.头、颈部的静脉Veins of head and neck135

298.颅内、外静脉的交通Communications between intracranial and extracranial veins136

299.手背的浅静脉Superficial veins of the back of hand137

300.上肢的浅静脉Superficial veins of the upper limb137

301.上、下腔静脉及其属支Superior vena cava,inferior vena cava and their tributaries138

302.胸、腹壁的浅静脉Superficial veins of the thoracic and abdominal wall138

303.肝门静脉及其属支Hepatic portal vein and its tributaries139

304.肝门静脉和门腔静脉吻合Hepatic portal vein and portacaval anastomosis140

305.大隐静脉The great saphenous vein141

306.小隐静脉The small saphenous vein141

307.体腔后壁淋巴结和淋巴导管Lymph nodes and lymphatic ducts of the posterior wall of the coelom142

308.颈部浅层淋巴Superficial cervical lymph143

309.颈部深层淋巴Deep cervical lymph144

310.腋窝、乳腺的淋巴管和淋巴结The lymphatic vessels and the lymph nodes ofthe axilla and the mammary glands145

311.气管、支气管和肺部的淋巴结Lymph nodes of the trachea.the bronchi and the lungs145

312.胸骨旁淋巴结The parasternal lymph nodes145

313.胃的淋巴(前面观)Lymph of stomach(anterior aspect)146

314.胃的淋巴(后面观)Lymph of stomach(posterior aspect)146

315.结肠的淋巴Lymph of colon147

316.腹膜后隙的淋巴The lymph of the retroperitoneal space148

317.女性生殖器的淋巴管和淋巴结(1)The lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the female genital organs (1)149

318.女性生殖器的淋巴管和淋巴结(2)The lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the female genital organs (2)149

319.上肢浅部淋巴管和淋巴结Superficial lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of upper limb150

320.上肢深部淋巴管和淋巴结Deep lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of upper limb150

322.腹股沟深部淋巴结Deep inguinal lymph nodes151

321.下肢浅部淋巴管和淋巴结Superficial lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of lower limb151

323.脾(膈面)Spleen(diaphragmatic surface)152

324.脾(脏面)Spleen(visceral surface)152


325.眼球水平切面(模式图)Horizontal section of the eyeball(diagram)154

326.眼球前部水平切面(虹膜、睫状体、晶状体切面)Horizontal section of the anterior part of the eyeball(section through iris,ciliary body and lens)154

327.眼球前部(内面观)Anterior part of the eyeball(internal aspect)155

328.眼球后部(内面观)Posterior part of the eyeball(internal aspect)155

329.右侧泪器(前面观)Right lacrimal apparatus(anterior aspect)156

330.眼球外肌(外侧面观)The ocular muscles(lateral aspect)156

331.右侧眼球及眶矢状切面Sagittal section through the right eyeball and orbital cavity157

332.眼球外肌(上面观)Extraocular muscles(superior aspect)157

333.眼的动脉Arteries of eye158

334.眼球的血管Blood vessels of eyeball158

336.右侧鼓膜(外侧面观)Right tympanic membrane(lateral aspect)159

337.右侧听小骨Right auditory ossicles159

335.前庭蜗器(切面)Vestibulocochlear organ(section)159

338.右侧鼓室(内侧壁)Right tympanic cavity(medial walls)160

339.右侧鼓室(外侧壁)Right tympanic cavity(lateral walls)160

340.矢状窦、横窦和乙状窦的体表投影The surface projection of the sagittal sinus,transverse sinus and the sigmoid sinus161

341.乳突、乙状窦和面神经的关系Relations among the mastoid process,sigmoid sinus and the facial nerve161

342.右侧骨迷路和膜迷路(前外侧面观)Right bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth(anterior lateral aspect)162

343.右侧骨迷路内腔Internal cavity of the right osseous labyrinth162


344.神经系统概观General view of the nervous system164

345.神经元的类型Types of the neuron165

346.神经元的结构(电镜模式图)Structure of the neuron(electron microscopic diagram)165

347.脊髓颈段横切面Transverse section through cervical segment of spinal cord166

348.脊髓的细胞构筑分层Cytoarchitectonic layers of the spinal cord166

349.脊髓的被膜(后面观)Capsules of spinal cord(posterior aspect)167

350.脊髓的动脉Arteries of spinal cord167

352.脊髓的静脉Veins of spinal cord168

351.脊髓的血管Blood vessels of spinal cord168

353.脑底面Basal surface of the brain169

354.脑(外侧面观)Brain(lateral aspect)170

355.脑(内侧面观)Brain(medial aspect)170

356.脑干(腹侧面观)Brain stem(ventral aspect)171

357.脑干(背面观)Brain stem(dorsal aspect)171

358.延髓尾侧部水平切面(经锥体交叉)Horizontal section of the caudal part of the medulla oblongata(through the pyramidal decussation)172

359.延髓水平切面(经内侧丘系交叉)Horizontal section of the medulla oblongata(through the decussation of the medial lemniscus)172

360.延髓水平切面(经橄榄中部)Horizontal section of the medulla oblongata(through the middle part of the olive)173

361.延髓水平切面(经橄榄上部)Horizontal section of the medulla oblongata173

(through the superior part of the olive)173

362.脑桥水平切面(经脑桥中、下部)Horizontal section of the pons(through the middle、inferior part of the pons)174

363.脑桥水平切面(经脑桥中部)Horizontal section of the pons(through the middle part of the pons)174

364.脑桥水平切面(经脑桥上部)The horizontal section ofthe pons(through the superior part of pons)175

365.中脑水平切面(经下丘)The horizontal section of midbrain(through the inferior colliculus)175

367.中脑上端与间脑之间水平切面(经后连合)The horizontal section between mesencephalic superior extremity and diencephalon(through posterior commissure)176

366.中脑水平切面(经上丘颅侧部)The horizontal section of midbrain(through the cranial part of superior colliculus)176

368.小脑(上面观)Cerebellum(superior aspect)177

369.小脑(下面观)Cerebellum(inferior aspect)177

370.小脑深核Deep cerebellar nucleus178

371.间脑(内侧面观)Diencephalon(medial aspect)178

372.间脑(后上面观)Diencephalon(posterosuperior aspect)179

373.间脑冠状切面(乳头体平面)Coronal section of diencephalon(level of the mammilary body)179

374.下丘脑(下面观)Hypothalamus(inferior aspect)179

375.大脑半球内面的沟回 Gyruses and sulcuses of medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere180

376.大脑岛叶的沟回Sulcuses and gyri of cerebral insula180

377.脑的水平切面Horizontal section of the brain181

378.脑的冠状切面Coronal section of the brain181

379.大脑的动脉(内侧面观)Cerebral arteries(medial aspect)182

380.大脑的动脉(外侧面观)Cerebral arteries(lateral aspect)182

381.脑底部的动脉Arteries at the base of the brain183

382.大脑中动脉的皮质支和中央支The cortical and median branches of the middle cerebral artery184

383.大脑的深静脉(上面观)The deep cerebral veins(superior aspect)184

384.大脑表面的静脉和上矢状窦Veins of cerebral surface and superior sagittal sinus185

385.蛛网膜及蛛网膜粒(上面观)Arachnoid mater and granulations(superior aspect)185

386.大脑表面的静脉(外侧面观)Superficial veins of cerebrum(lateral aspect)185

387.脑室铸型(上面观)Cast form of the cerebral ventricle(superior aspect)186

388.脑室铸型(侧面观)Cast form of the cerebral ventricle(lateral aspect)186

389.侧脑室(上面观)Lateral ventricle(superior aspect)186

390.硬脑膜、硬脑膜窦和脑神经Cerebral dura mater,sinuses of dura mater and cranial nerves187

391.硬脑膜及硬脑膜静脉窦Cerebral dura mater and venous sinuses of cerebral dura mater187

392.脑脊液循环(模式图)Cerebrospinal fluid circulation(diagram)188

393.脊神经的后支Posterior branches of spinal nerves189

394.颈神经丛的皮支Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus190

395.颈部浅层神经Nerves of the superficial layer of the neck190

397.臂丛及毗邻(1)Brachial plexus and its relations(1)191

396.颈部深层神经Nerves of the deep layer of the neck191

398.臂丛及毗邻(2)Brachial plexus and its relations(2)192

399.上肢的皮神经(前面观)Cutaneous nerves of upper limb(anterior aspect)193

400.上肢的皮神经(后面观)Cutaneous nerves of upper limb(posterior aspect)193

401.腋窝的神经及其毗邻(1)Nerves of axillary fossa and their neighbours(1)194

402.腋窝的神经及其毗邻(2)Nerves of axillary fossa and its neighbours(2)194

403.臂部的神经(前面观)(1)Nerves of the arm(anterior aspect)(1)195

404.臂部的神经(前面观)(2)Nerves of the arm(anterior aspect)(2)195

405.臂部的神经(后面观)Nerves of the arm(posterior aspect)196

406.臂部的神经(外侧面观)Nerves of the arm(lateral aspect)196

407.肘窝的神经(1)Nerves of cubital fossa(1)197

408.肘窝的神经(2)Nerves of cubital fossa(2)197

409.肘窝的神经(3)Nerves ofcubital fossa(3)198

410.肘窝的神经(内侧面观)Nerves of cubital fossa (medial aspect)198

412.前臂的神经(前面观)(2)Nerves of the forearm(anterior aspect)(2)199

411.前臂的神经(前面观)(1)Nerves of the forearm(anterior aspect)(1)199

413.前臂的神经(前面观)(3)Nerves of the forearm(anterior aspect)(3)200

414.前臂的神经(前面观)(4)Nerves of the forearm(anterior aspect)(4)200

415.手部神经及血管的体表投影Surface projection of the nerves and blood vessels of the hand201

416.手掌侧的神经及血管Nerves and blood vessels of the palm of the hand201

417.手背部的神经及其毗邻结构(1)The nerves and neighboring structures of the dorsum of the hand(1)202

418.手背部的神经及其毗邻结构(2)The nerves and adjacent structures of the dorsum of the hand(2)202

419.肋间神经及其分布Intercostal nerves and their distribution203

420.胸神经前支的配布Distribution of anterior branches of thoracic nerves203

421.腰丛和骶丛Lumbar plexus and sacral plexus204

422.骶尾丛及其毗邻结构Sacrococcygeal plexus and its neighbours204

423.下肢的皮神经和节段分布(前面观)Cutaneous ncrves and segmental distributions of the Iower limb(anterior view)205

424.下肢的皮神经和节段分布(后面观)Cutaneous nerves and segmental distributions of the lower limb(posterior view)205

425.下肢的神经(前面观)Nerves of the lower limb(anterior aspect)206

426.下肢的神经(后面观)Nerves of the lower limb(posterior aspect)………………………一206

428.股前部神经及其毗邻结构(2)Nerves of the anterior aspect of the thigh and their adjacent structures(2)207

427.股前部神经及其毗邻结构(1)Nerves of the anterior aspect of the thigh and their adjacent structures(1)207

429.臀部和股后部神经及其毗邻结构The gluteal region and nerves of the posterior aspect of the thigh and its adjacent structures208

430.小腿前部神经及其毗邻结构(1)Nerves of the anterior aspect of the leg and their adjacent structures(1)209

43l.小腿前部神经及其毗邻结构(2)Nerves of the anterior aspect of the leg and their adjacent structures(2)209

432.小腿后部神经及其毗邻结构(1)Nerves of the posterior aspect of the leg and their adjacent strucures(1)210

433.小腿后部神经及其毗邻结构(2)Nerves of the posterior aspect of the leg and their adjacent structures(2)210

434.足背部的神经及静脉Nerves and veins of the dorsum of the foot211

435.足背部的神经及动脉Nerves and arteries of the dorsum of the foot211

436.足底部的神经及血管(1)Nerves and blood vessels of the sole of the foot(1)212

437.足底部的神经及血管(2)Nerves and blood vessels of the sole of the foot(2)212

438.男性会阴部的神经及其毗邻结构Nerves in the male perineum and their adjacent structures213

439.女性会阴部的神经及其毗邻结构Nerves in the female perineum and their adjacent structures213

441.右臂中1/3横切面(B)The transverse section through the middle l/3 of the right arm(B)214

442.右臂远侧1/3横切面(C)The transverse section through the distal 1/3 of the right arm(C)214

440.右臂近侧l/3横切面(A)The transverse section through the porximal 1/3 of the right arm(A)214

443.右前臂近侧l/3横切面(A)The transverse section through the proximal 1/3 of right forearm(A)215

444.右前臂中1/3横切面(B)The transverse section through the middle 1/3 of right forearm(B)215

445.右前臂远侧1/3横切面(C)The transverse section through the distal 1/3 of right forearm(C)215

446.右大腿近侧1/3横切面(A)The transverse section through the proximal 1/3 of the right thigh(A)216

447.右人腿中1/3横切面(B)The transverse section through the middle 1/3 of the right thigh(B)216

448.右大腿远侧1/3横切面(C)The transverse section through the distal 1/3 of the right thigh(C)216

449.右小腿近侧1/3横切面(A)The transverse section through the proximal 1/3 of the right leg(A)217

450.右小腿中1/3横切面(B)The transverse section through the middle 1/3 of the right leg(B)217

451.右小腿远侧l/3横切面(C)The transverse section through the distal 1/3 of the right leg(C)217

452.十二对脑神经出颅部位The inlet and exit points of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves218

453.鼻腔内的神经Nerves in the nasal cavity218

454.眶腔内的神经(上面观)Nerves in the orbit(superior aspect)219

455.眶腔内的神经(外侧面观)Nerves in the orbit(1ateral aspect)219

456.三义神经及其分支(1)The trigeminal nerve and its branches(1)220

457.三叉神经及其分支(2)The trigeminal nerve and its branches(2)221

458.三叉神经的纤维成分及其分布(模式图)Fiber compositions and distribution of the trigeminal nerve(diagram)222

459. 下颌神经的分支和下颌下神经节Branches of the mandibular nerve and submandibular ganglion223

460.面神经的分支及其毗邻结构Branches and adjacent structures of the facial nerve224

461.面神经的纤维成分及其分布(模式图)Fiber compositions and distribution of the facial nerve(diagram)225

462.睫状神经节、翼腭神经节、耳神经节及下颌下神经节和脑神经Ciliary ganglion.pterygopalatine ganglion.otic ganglion,submandibular ganglion and cranial nerves226

463.前庭蜗神经和面神经(模式图)Vestibulocochlear nerve and facial nerve(diagram)227

464.舌咽神经的纤维成分及其分布Fiber composition and distribution of the glossopharyngeal nerve227

465.舌咽神经、迷走神经、副神经和舌下神经G1ossopharyngeal nerve,vagus nerve,accessory nerve and hypoglossal nerve228

466.左、右迷走神经颈胸部的分支(后面观)Cervicothoracic branches of left and right vagus nerves(posterior aspect)229

467.迷走神经的纤维成分及其分布(模式图)Fiber compositions and distribution of the vagus nerve(diagram)230

468.胸部自主神经Autonomic nerves of the thorax231

469.腹、盆部的自主神经丛和节Plexuses and ganglia of autonomic nerves in abdomen and pelvis231

470.躯干、四肢痛、温、触觉传导路The pain.thalpotic and pselaphesic conductive pathways of the trunk and limbs232

471.头面部痛、温、触觉传导路Pathways of pain,thalposis,tactile sensation of head and face232

472.躯干、四肢本体感觉和精细触觉传导路The proprioception and refined tactile sensation pathway of trunk and limbs233

473.传向小脑的本体感觉传导路Pathway of the proprioceptive sensibility conducting to the cerebellum233

475.听觉传导路The auditory pathway234

474.视觉传导路The visual pathway234

476.嗅觉传导路The olfactory pathway235

477.平衡觉传导路The pathway of the equilibrium sense235

478.锥体系(皮质脊髓束)The pyramidal system(corticospinal tract)236

479.锥体系(皮质核束)The pyramidal system(corticobulbar tract)236

480.锥体外系(纹状体—苍白球系)Extrapyramidal system(corpus striatum-globus pallidus)237

481.锥体外系(皮质—脑桥—小脑系)The extrapyramidal system(cortex-pons-cerebellum system)237

482.自主神经系概观General view of autonomic nervous system238

483.松果体Pineal body239

484.甲状腺和甲状旁腺Thyroid gland and parathyroid gland239


486.内分泌腺概观General view of endocrine glands239

487.肾上腺Suprarenal gland239

488.垂体的分部Divisions of the hypophysis239

