

  • (印)科萨里,纳格拉斯著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302215738
  • 出版时间:2009
  • 标注页数:1074页
  • 文件大小:213MB
  • 文件页数:1093页
  • 主题词:电力系统-系统工程-英文


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1.1 Electric Power System1

1.2 Indian Power Sector2

1.3 A Contemporary Perspective2

1.4 Structure of Power Systems14

1.5 Conventional Sources of Electric Energy16

1.6 Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)Generation35

1.7 Geothermal Energy36

1.8 Environmental Aspects of Electric Energy Generation37

1.9 Renewable Energy Resources42

1.10 Solar Energy and its Utilization43

1.11 Wind Power59

1.12 Biofuels66

1.13 Generating Reserve,Reliability and Certain Factors67

1.14 Energy Storage71

1.15 Energy Conservation75

1.16 Growth of Power Systems in India77

1.17 Deregulation79

1.18 Distributed and Dispersed Generation82

1.19 Power System Engineers and Power System Studies83

1.20 Use of Computers and Microprocessors83

1.21 Problems Facing Indian Power Industry and its Choices84

Annexure 1.187

Annexure 1.287

2.Inductance and Resistance of Transmission Lines95

2.1 Introduction95

2.2 Definition of Inductance95

2.3 Flux Linkages of an Isolated Current-Carrying Conductor96

2.4 Inductance of a Single-Phase Two-Wire Line100

2.5 Conductor Types102

2.6 Flux Linkages of One Conductor in a Group103

2.7 Inductance of Composite Conductor Lines104

2.8 Inductance of Three-Phase Lines109

2.9 Double-Circuit Three-Phase Lines116

2.10 Bundled Conductors119

2.11 Resistance121

2.12 Skin Effect and Proximity Effect122

2.13 Magnetic Field Induction123

2.14 Summary123

3.Capacitance of Transmission Lines127

3.1 Introduction127

3.2 Electric Field of a Long Straight Conductor127

3.3 Potential Difference between Two Conductors of a Group of Parallel Conductors128

3.4 Capacitance of a Two-Wire Line129

3.5 Capacitance of a Three-Phase Line with Equilateral Spacing131

3.6 Capacitance of a Three-Phase Line with Unsymmetrical Spacing132

3.7 Effect of Earth on Transmission Line Capacitance134

3.8 Method of GMD(Modified)142

3.9 Bundled Conductors142

3.10 Electrostatic Induction143

3.11 Summary143

4.Representation of Power System Components146

4.1 Introduction146

4.2 Single-Phase Representation of Balanced Three-Phase Networks146

4.3 The One-Line Diagram and the Impedance or Reactance Diagram148

4.4 Per Unit(PU)System150

4.5 Complex Power156

4.6 The Steady State Model of Synchronous Machine159

4.7 Power Transformer172

4.8 Transmission of Electric Power172

4.9 System Protection172

4.10 Representation of Loads174

4.11 Summary175

5.Characteristics and Performance of Power Transmission Lines177

5.1 Introduction177

5.2 Short Transmission Line178

5.3 Medium Transmission Line186

5.4 The Long Transmission Line—Rigorous Solution188

5.5 The Equivalent Circuit of a Long Line192

5.6 Interpretation of the Long Line Equations198

5.7 Ferranti Effect204

5.8 Tuned Power Lines206

5.9 Power Flow Through a Transmission Line207

5.10 Methods of Voltage Control223

5.11 Summary231

6.Load Flow Studies235

6.1 Introduction235

6.2 Network Model Formulation237

6.3 Formation of YBUS by Singular Transformation247

6.4 Load Flow Problem253

6.5 Gauss-Siedel Method263

6.6 Newton-Raphson Method274

6.7 Decoupled Load Flow Studies290

6.8 Comparison of Load Flow Methods301

6.9 Control of Voltage Profile303

6.10 Load Flow under Power Electronic Control312

6.11 Summary318

7.Optimal System Operation331

7.1 Introduction331

7.2 Optimal Operation of Generators on a Bus Bar332

7.3 Optimal Unit Commitment(UC)345

7.4 Reliability Considerations349

7.5 Optimal Generation Scheduling354

7.6 Optimal Load Flow Solution368

7.7 Optimal Scheduling of Hydrothermal System376

7.8 Power System Security383

7.9 Maintenance Scheduling(MS)389

7.10 Power-System Reliability389

7.11 Summary394

Annexure 7.1402

8.Automatic Generation and Voltage Control409

8.1 Introduction409

8.2 Load Frequency Control(Single Area Case)410

8.3 Load Frequency Control and Economic Despatch Control424

8.4 Two-Area Load Frequency Control425

8.5 Optimal(Two-Area)Load Frequency Control431

8.6 Automatic Voltage Control437

8.7 Load Frequency Control with Generation Rate Constraints(GRCs)439

8.8 Speed Governor Dead-Band and its Effect on AGC440

8.9 Digital LF Controllers441

8.10 Decentralized Control442

8.11 Discrete Integral Controller for AGC443

8.12 AGC in a Restructured Power System443

8.13 Summary449

9.Symmetrical Fault Analysis453

9.1 Introduction453

9.2 Transient on a Transmission Line454

9.3 Short Circuit of a Synchronous Machine456

9.4 Short Circuit of a Loaded Synchronous Machine465

9.5 Selection of Circuit Breakers470

9.6 Algorithm for Short Circuit Studies475

9.7 ZBUS Formulation480

9.8 Summary489

10.Symmetrical Components495

10.1 Introduction495

10.2 Symmetrical Component Transformation496

10.3 Phase Shift in Star-Delta Transformers502

10.4 Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines505

10.5 Sequence Impedances and Sequence Network of Power System507

10.6 Sequence Impedances and Networks of Synchronous Machine507

10.7 Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines511

10.8 Sequence Impedances and Networks of Transformers512

10.9 Construction of Sequence Networks of a Power System515

10.10 Summary519

11.Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis523

11.1 Introduction523

11.2 Symmetrical Component Analysis of Unsymmetrical Faults524

11.3 Single Line-to-Ground(LG)Fault525

11.4 Line-to-Line(LL)Fault528

11.5 Double Line-to-Ground(LLG)Fault530

11.6 Open Conductor Faults540

11.7 Bus Impedance Matrix Method for Analysis of Unsymmetrical Shunt Faults542

11.8 Summary552

12.Power System Stability558

12.1 Introduction558

12.2 Dynamics of a Synchronous Machine560

12.3 Power Angle Equation565

12.4 Node Elimination Technique570

12.5 Simple Systems577

12.6 Steady State Stability579

12.7 Transient Stability584

12.8 Equal Area Criterion586

12.9 Numerical Solution of Swing Equation605

12.10 Multimachines Stability612

12.11 Some Factors Affecting Transient Stability622

12.12 Summary631

13.Power System Transients635

13.1 Introduction635

13.2 Types of System Transients635

13.3 Traveling Waves and Propagation of Surges637

13.4 Generation of Overvoltages on Transmission Lines658

13.5 Protection of Transmission Lines Against Lightning661

13.6 Protection of Power System Apparatus Against Surges663

13.7 Insulation Coordination668

13.8 Lightning Phenomena673

13.9 Neutral Grounding676

13.10 Summary679

14.Circuit Breakers682

14.1 Circuit Breaking Transients682

14.2 Circuit Breaker Rating694

14.3 Arc and Arc Extinction695

14.4 Circuit Breaker Types699

14.5 HVDC Circuit Breakers712

14.6 Testing of HVAC Circuit Breakers715

14.7 Isolators719

14.8 Fuses720

14.9 Contactors720

14.10 Summary721

15.Power System Protection723

15.1 Introduction723

15.2 Protective Zones724

15.3 Relaying Elements and Quantities726

15.4 Current and Voltage Transformers728

15.5 Relay Types and Characteristics734

15.6 Relay Hardware746

15.7 Relay Connections761

15.8 Protection of Transmission Lines767

15.9 Generator/Motor Protection785

15.10 Transformer Protection791

15.11 Sequence Filters796

15.12 Microprocessor-Based Relaying798

15.13 Numerical(Digital)Relay803

15.14 Recent Trends805

15.15 Summary807

16.Underground Cables810

16.1 Introduction810

16.2 Types of Cables810

16.3 Capacitance of Single-Core Cable813

16.4 Grading of Cables814

16.5 Power Factor and Heating of Cables822

16.6 Capacitance of 3-Core Belted Cable823

16.7 D.C.Cables826

16.8 Summary827

17.Insulators for Overhead Lines829

17.1 Introduction829

17.2 Types of Insulators829

17.3 Potential Distribution Over a String of Suspension Insulators830

17.4 Methods of Equalizing Potential832

17.5 Insulator Failure836

17.6 Testing of Insulators836

17.7 Summary840

18.Mechanical Design of Transmission Lines841

18.1 Introduction841

18.2 Sag and Tension Calculations841

18.3 Spans of Unequal Length:Ruling or Equivalent Span847

18.4 Vibration and Vibration Dampers848

18.5 Summary850


19.1 Introduction852

19.2 Critical Disruptive Voltage852

19.3 Conditions Affecting Corona854

19.4 Corona Loss855

19.5 Corona in HVDC Lines856

19.6 Practical Importance of Corona857

19.7 Summary857

20.High Voltage DC(HVDC)Transmission860

20.1 Introduction860

20.2 Convertor Basics861

20.3 Types of DC Links(Transmission Modes)864

20.4 Structure of HVDC Transmission866

20.5 Principles of HVDC Control868

20.6 Economic Considerations869

20.7 HVDC Applications871

20.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of HVDC Systems872

20.9 Three-Phase Bridge Converter Performance873

20.10 Rectifier874

20.11 Inverter877

20.12 Circuit Breaking:Some Topics in HVDC882

20.13 Recent Advances883

20.14 Future Trends884

20.15 Summary885

21.Distribution Systems886

21.1 Introduction886

21.2 Types of Distribution Systems887

21.3 Section and Size of Feeders890

21.4 Voltage Drop in DC Distributors894

21.5 Summary899

22.Voltage Stability902

22.1 Introduction902

22.2 Comparison of Angle and Voltage Stability903

22.3 Reactive Power Flow and Voltage Collapse904

22.4 Mathematical Formulation of Voltage Stability Problem905

22.5 Voltage Stability Analysis908

22.6 Prevention of Voltage Collapse911

22.7 State-of-the-Art,Future Trends and Challenges912

22.8 Summary914

Appendix A917

Appendix B929

Appendix C935

Appendix D941

Appendix E944

Appendix F946

Appendix G952

Appendix H989

Appendix I994

Appendix J998

Multiple Choice Questions1008

Answer to Problems1054

